Saturday, February 26, 2011

Being a superintend of an animal shelter. I found this interesting as well as conflicting...

I work for a municipal shelter animal shelter. I’m responsible for planning the budget; making sure that we’ve got the money, and where to spend it, and where to put it. I buy vet supplies  we have animals up on the floor that have been temperament tested and they’re behaviorally sound. I have to make sure the animals are properly cleaned, and properly fed, and if they’re sick they get treatment. I talk to people when they bring in animals.

A lot of my duties are trying to educate people: publicity-type stuff, press releases, and educational materials and literature and trying to make people aware of what is responsible pet ownership and how can you make pet overpopulation go away. Spay-neuter; we preach spay and neuter, spay and neuter. We instituted micro-chipping about four or five years ago, so it’s helped us to get animals back to their owners. It’s a permanent form of identification, even if pets lose their tags, and collars, and all that.

I belong to a group called S.A.W.A., which is Society of Animal Welfare Administrators. We all try to work together and figure out what we can do to make pet ownership easier for people, but then, also look at, what people are doing wrong, and what crimes are being committed against animals. So, that’s part of my job, too, is to look at animal cruelty and people that are breaking ordinances.
So, a lot of my job is just really meeting with people, talking to the public, talking to aldermen. We work under the police department so I do answer to the Chief of Police.

The last paragraph reads "A lot of my job is meeting and talking to the public" So which is it you spend a lot of time talking to the public or over seeing the care of animals etc. If they are promoting responsible ownership and look for crimes committed against animals. Yet shelters are the leading cause of death, wrong doing and animal cruelty!

When I went to pick up A1071562 she was by no means the same kitten they had posted a picture of. "Very thin malnourished and a real bad case of URI which will now forever plague her with flare ups" these are the words of the vet treating her.
So Superintendent if you are out preaching one thing (or politicking) while your animals are getting sick and put to death because of the shelter. Yes spay and neuter are part of the equation on the shoulders of owners but just where and when does your responsibility begin as the care keeper of the shelter animals. How can you  you preach one thing and not practice it yourself on the job? Isn't that what the public is paying for? For you to do your job and do it correctly? Is this too much to ask. Animals (pets) are not disposable they have every right to life as you have, sadly it's you, the brain washing of the american people and the ever growing trend of greed by the MEN in charge of far too many things and aspects of our lives.

***Please refer to the Feb. 16. 2011 blog about micro chipping that was from the ASPCA***

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